Gröna Bandet - Our shared gear
In addition to our personal gear we will share some items. This is gear that we only need one of and we will share the weight of it.
This is what we'll share during this hike:
- Tent, Bergans, Trollhetta 2-man tent
- Maps
- GPS, Garmin eTrex 20 GPS
- Stove, Primus OmniLite Ti
- Pot, Primus Primetech pot 1,8L
- Food
One of the many benefits of hiking with a partner is that you can share some of this weight that you would otherwise be carrying solo. How we divide the items is another thing. We want to divide the weight evenly, but also think about the best way to pack the items. So, for example, one of us will cary the tent, while the other will carry the tent poles and stakes and kitchen. The weight of the tent equals the weight of the tent poles, stakes, and kitchen.
We have completed all of our shopping and packing. Now we are just waiting until Monday to start the hike!